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Why Issue 30 Is Important

Most of the children in our care do well in a traditional family-like setting, such as a foster home or in a relative’s care. However, about ten percent of the youth we serve (75-80 individuals) require a much higher level of care and intervention than what family foster parents or relatives can provide.

Through no fault of their own, these are some of the most traumatized children in the county. As a result, they require a specialized environment administered by medical and behavioral health professionals well beyond that which a layperson could provide. Your vote FOR Issue 30 is an investment in the current, and future health and well-being of Lucas County's children.

Studies confirm that exposure to adverse childhood experiences leads to severe behavior and psychological problems in children. Recent research further confirms that exposure to adverse childhood experiences changes the physiology of the brain. Long-term exposure to abuse, neglect, or household dysfunction impacts the way that the brain and body develop. This has the potential to affect a child emotionally, behaviorally, and physically for the rest of his or her life. To prevent this from occurring, we need to intervene early and comprehensively. The longer that trauma goes on untreated, the more damage it inflicts on the child as he/she enters adulthood, and the more expensive it will be for taxpayers and social safety net service providers in the future.

The escalating cost of care… 
Across Ohio, communities struggle 
to provide adequate care and services 
to multi-system youth. 
The escalating cost of care… 
New federal legislation has increased 
the cost of caring for Lucas County’s 
most traumatized children by nearly 77%. 

Paid for by Committee for Children
Suzette Cowell, Treasurer
P.O. Box 2202, Toledo, OH 43604
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